Tuesday, May 26, 2009

First Baby Pool

Hunter got his first Baby Pool yesterday. It was so hot that I had to make a special trip to Walmart to go get him a pool so we could chill out. He got his first bathing suit, hat and sunglasses on. We got lots of toys and jumped in. He lvoes and the water and loves splashing in it. You definitely better be ready to get wet if he is in the pool or the bathtub.

First Cereal Feeding

Hunter had his first bites of cereal. We had so much fun watching him make faces. He didn't know what to think of everything at first but he definitely figured it out when he realized he was getting food. He really wanted to try to feed himself a couple of times. He caught on real quick that if he opened his mouth then a spoon full of yumminess would appear.

Hunter's Baby Dedication

We dedicated Hunter to the Lord on May 3rd in front of all his family and First Baptist Church of Katy.
It was a great service and then we went to eat lunch at his Great Grandmother's house. He had three Great Grandparents, all four Grandparents, two honorary Grandparents, all four Aunts and Uncles, one cousin and one on the way and some friends all there to support him.